Chicken tandoori-style kebabs

Chicken tandoori-style kebabs


3cm piece of ginger 

2 cloves of garlic 

140 g natural yogurt 

2 tablespoons olive oil 

60 ml tomato passata 

½ tesapoon garam masala 

½ teaspoon chilli powder 

½ teaspoon smoked paprika 

½ teaspoon turmeric 

10-12 skinless, boneless unfenced chicken thighs 


Peel and finely grind the ginger, peel and finely cleave the garlic, then place in a substantial dish with the yogurt, oil, passata and flavors. Blend well. 

Cut the chicken into 2cm blocks, coat well in the marinade, then season with ocean salt and dark pepper. 

Spread with clingfilm and refrigerate for 2 to 3 hours. 

String the chicken onto 12 sticks, then grill or barbecue for 15 minutes, or until brilliant and equally cooked, turning sometimes. 

Present with roti and cucumber raita. 

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